Rep. Billy Long


GOP Lawmaker Goes Into Auctioneer Mode to Drown Out Protester: WATCH

September 5, 2018

A Republican lawmaker on Wednesday used his talent as an auctioneer to drown out a protester who was interrupting a House hearing with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

Alt-right activist Laura Loomer disrupted the House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing by accusing Dorsey of trying to influence the upcoming elections. Rep. Billy Long, R-Mo., said he couldn’t understand her, and started conducting a mock auction to silence her.




Long’s approach elicited laughs from the audience.

“Somehow I think our auctioneer-in-residence is going to get tweeted about today,” said Rep. Greg Walden, R-Oregon.

Long was the owner of Billy Long Auctions for decades before joining Congress.

“I yield back,” Long said to laughter when he was done.

Dorsey’s testimony comes as the social media giant tries to tamp down allegations from conservatives who claim they are being discriminated against on the platform. Republicans, including President Trump, have accused Twitter of purposely hiding tweets and accounts of prominent Republicans. Loomer accused Dorsey’s company of trying to turn the 2018 midterm election toward Democrats, to the detriment of Republicans running for their seats this year.

The company has denied it “shadow bans” conservatives.